Browse mineral resources


Putah Creek


Soda Springs

Solano Concrete Cache Cr. Agg. Plnt



Unnamed Location

Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit

Madison Pit and Mill

Cache Creek Pit

Clarksburg Plant

Gravel Pit

Schar/Gruber and Son Sand

Gravel Pits

Madison Sand and Gravel

Valley Gravel Co. Pit

Smith Gravel Pit

Granite Pit

Rancho Rio Jesus Maria Pit

Gravel Pit

Unnamed Location

Rieff Pit

Harrison Mine

Yolo Sand & Gravel

Plant # 5-13

Teichert Aggregates

Cache Creek Pit

Ashley Gravel Pit

Schwarzgruber Pit.

Unnamed Gravel Pit

Cache Creek Pit

Woodland Plant

Off-Channel Pit

Cache Creek Pit

Reed Mine

Cache Creek Pit

Gravel Pit

Stenhens Sand & Gravel Plant

Pacific Cement & Aggregates

Woodland Pit & Mill

Cache Creek Aggregates

Gravel Pit

Granite Construction Co.

Sanders Pit.

Putah Creek

King Gravel Pit

Cache Creek Pit

Barnett Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit

Solano Pit and Mill

Unnamed Location

Unnamed Quarry

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